Carolina Family Motors
Rating 4.5 / 5.0

History-Based Value Report


CARFAX Retail Value

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History events affecting this vehicle's value

No Accidents Reported

Service History

This CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX and available as of 10/18/24 at 1:40:20 AM (CDT). Other information about this vehicle, including problems, may not have been reported to CARFAX. Use this report as one important tool, along with a vehicle inspection and test drive, to make a better decision about your next used car.

Additional History

Not all accidents / issues are reported to CARFAX

Additional History

Not all accidents / issues are reported to CARFAX
Owners 1-2Owner 3Owner 4
Total Loss
No total loss reported to CARFAX.
No Issues Reported
No Issues Reported
No Issues Reported
Structural Damage
No structural damage reported to CARFAX.
No Issues Reported
No Issues Reported
No Issues Reported
Airbag Deployment
No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.
No Issues Reported
No Issues Reported
No Issues Reported
Odometer Check
No indication of an odometer rollback.
No Issues Indicated
No Issues Indicated
No Issues Indicated
Accident / Damage
No accidents or damage reported to CARFAX.
No Issues Reported
No Issues Reported
No Issues Reported
Manufacturer Recall
No open recalls reported to CARFAX.
No Recalls Reported
No Recalls Reported
No Recalls Reported
Basic Warranty
estimated to have expired.
Warranty Expired
Warranty Expired
Warranty Expired

Title History

CARFAX guarantees the information in this section

Title History

CARFAX guarantees the information in this section
Owners 1-2Owner 3Owner 4
Damage Brands
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt | Fire | Flood | Hail | Lemon
No Problem
No Problem
No Problem
Odometer Brands
Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits
No Problem
No Problem
No Problem

Guaranteed - None of these title problems were reported by a U.S. state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If you find that any of these title problems were reported by a DMV and not included in this report, you may qualify.

View Terms |

Ownership History

The number of owners is estimated

Ownership History

The number of owners is estimated
Owners 1-2Owner 3Owner 4
Year purchased
Type of owner
Estimated length of ownership
7 years 3 months
1 year 5 months
10 months
Owned in the following states/provinces
North Carolina
North Carolina
Estimated miles driven per year
7,931 per year
no data
Last reported odometer reading

Detailed History

Owner 1

Purchased: 2014
Low mileage! This owner drove less than the industry average of 15,000 miles per year.
Personal lease Vehicle
5,605 mi/yr
Not Reportednot reportednot reported


10/30/20145 mi5 mi

New York

Inspection Station

  • Passed safety inspection
    • Passed emissions inspection
11/18/201410 mi10 mi

New Jersey

Motor Vehicle Dept.

Fort Worth, TX

Title Number EB20143220392

  • Title issued or updated
    • First owner reported
    • Titled or registered as personal lease vehicle
    • Loan or lien reported
    • Vehicle color noted as Green

Two states? Vehicle leasing companies often title a car in one state but register it to be driven in another.

11/30/2014not reportednot reported

Rutherford, New Jersey

Rutherford, New Jersey

Rutherford, New Jersey

  • Registration issued or renewed
    • Vehicle color noted as Green
09/08/201613,486 mi13,486 mi

Inspection Co.

New Jersey

  • Inspection performed
11/18/2016not reportednot reported

Passaic, New Jersey

Passaic, New Jersey

Passaic, New Jersey

  • Registration issued or renewed
    • Vehicle color noted as Green
10/16/201717,381 mi17,381 mi

Inspection Co.

New Jersey

  • Inspection performed
01/06/201817,862 mi17,862 mi

Dealer Inventory

  • Vehicle offered for sale
01/17/2018not reportednot reported

Carmichaels, Pennsylvania

Carmichaels, Pennsylvania

Carmichaels, Pennsylvania

Title Number 7848120701 SOCarmichaels, Pennsylvania

  • Title issued or updated
    • Dealer took title of this vehicle while it was in inventory
01/22/201817,882 mi17,882 mi

Solomon Chrysler Jeep Dodge

Carmichaels, Pennsylvania

Carmichaels, Pennsylvania

Rating 4.7 / 5.0
Customer Favorites
  • Vehicle serviced
    • Pre-delivery inspection completed
    • Maintenance inspection completed
    • Oil and filter changed
    • Front brake pads replaced
    • Tire(s) balanced
    • Two tires balanced
    • Rear brake rotor(s) resurfaced
    • Cabin air filter replaced/cleaned

Owner 2

Purchased: 2018
Low mileage! This owner drove less than the industry average of 15,000 miles per year.
Lease Vehicle
7,612 mi/yr
05/19/201817,981 mi17,981 mi


Motor Vehicle Dept.

  • Vehicle purchase reported
06/01/2018not reportednot reported

Ambridge, Pennsylvania

Ambridge, Pennsylvania

Ambridge, Pennsylvania

Title Number 7848120702 BYAmbridge, Pennsylvania

  • Title issued or updated
    • New owner reported
    • Loan or lien reported
06/20/201818,860 mi18,860 mi

Ron Lewis Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Cranberry

Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

Rating 4.5 / 5.0
Customer Favorites
  • Vehicle serviced
    • Maintenance inspection completed
    • Oil and filter changed
07/20/201819,389 mi19,389 mi

Inspection Station

  • Passed emissions inspection
09/19/2018not reportednot reported

Secaucus, New Jersey

Secaucus, New Jersey

Secaucus, New Jersey

  • Registration issued or renewed
    • Titled or registered as lease vehicle
    • Vehicle color noted as Green
01/07/201924,180 mi24,180 mi

Inspection Station

  • Failed emissions inspection
01/07/201924,182 mi24,182 mi

Ron Lewis Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Cranberry

Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

Rating 4.5 / 5.0
Customer Favorites
  • Vehicle serviced
    • Maintenance inspection completed
    • Air filter replaced
    • Drive belts checked
    • Oil and filter changed
    • Lights checked
    • Emissions inspection performed
    • Emissions or safety inspection performed
01/14/201924,364 mi24,364 mi

Inspection Station

  • Passed emissions inspection
03/11/201926,066 mi26,066 mi

Ron Lewis Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Cranberry

Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

Rating 4.5 / 5.0
Customer Favorites
  • Vehicle serviced
03/31/2019not reportednot reported

Ambridge, Pennsylvania

Ambridge, Pennsylvania

Ambridge, Pennsylvania

Title Number 7848120702 BYAmbridge, Pennsylvania

  • Registration issued or renewed
06/15/201928,795 mi28,795 mi

Diehl Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM of Robinson

McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania

McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania

Rating 4.4 / 5.0
Customer Favorites
  • Vehicle serviced
    • Rear brake pads replaced
    • Rear brake rotor(s) replaced
    • Brake rotor(s) replaced
07/16/201929,599 mi29,599 mi

Ron Lewis Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Cranberry

Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

Rating 4.5 / 5.0
Customer Favorites
  • Vehicle serviced
    • Maintenance inspection completed
    • Tires rotated
    • Four wheel alignment performed
    • Oil and filter changed
    • Lights checked
01/24/202035,798 mi35,798 mi

Ron Lewis Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Cranberry

Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

Rating 4.5 / 5.0
Customer Favorites
  • Vehicle serviced
    • Drive belts checked
    • Oil and filter changed
    • Lights checked
    • Emissions inspection performed
    • Emissions or safety inspection performed
01/24/2020not reportednot reported

Inspection Station

  • Passed emissions inspection
03/24/2020not reportednot reported

Ambridge, Pennsylvania

Ambridge, Pennsylvania

Ambridge, Pennsylvania

Title Number 7848120702 BYAmbridge, Pennsylvania

  • Registration issued or renewed
07/23/202038,344 mi38,344 mi

Ron Lewis Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Cranberry

Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

Rating 4.5 / 5.0
Customer Favorites
  • Vehicle serviced
    • Maintenance inspection completed
    • Battery/charging system checked
03/13/202140,557 mi40,557 mi

Ron Lewis Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Cranberry

Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

Rating 4.5 / 5.0
Customer Favorites
  • Vehicle serviced
    • Maintenance inspection completed
    • Drive belts checked
    • Oil and filter changed
    • Brakes checked
    • Emissions or safety inspection performed
03/13/202140,559 mi40,559 mi

Inspection Station

  • Exempt from emissions inspection
03/31/2021not reportednot reported

Ambridge, Pennsylvania

Ambridge, Pennsylvania

Ambridge, Pennsylvania

Title Number 7848120702 BYAmbridge, Pennsylvania

  • Registration issued or renewed
07/06/202142,273 mi42,273 mi

Ron Lewis Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Cranberry

Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

Rating 4.5 / 5.0
Customer Favorites
  • Vehicle serviced
    • Maintenance inspection completed
    • Front brake pads replaced
    • Rear brake pads replaced
02/26/202246,742 mi46,742 mi

Tempe, Arizona

Tempe, Arizona

Tempe, Arizona

Title Number A007423915Tempe, Arizona

  • Title issued or updated
    • Dealer took title of this vehicle while it was in inventory

Owner 3

Purchased: 2022
Low mileage! This owner drove less than the industry average of 15,000 miles per year.
Personal Vehicle
7,931 mi/yr
03/17/202246,805 mi46,805 mi

Wilson, North Carolina

Wilson, North Carolina

Wilson, North Carolina

  • Odometer reading reported
06/30/2022not reportednot reported

Wilson, North Carolina

Wilson, North Carolina

Wilson, North Carolina

Title Number 772820221816523Wilson, North Carolina

  • Title or registration issued
    • New owner reported
    • Loan or lien reported
08/25/2023not reportednot reported

Online Listing

  • Vehicle offered for sale
09/04/202358,452 mi58,452 mi

Auto Auction

  • Vehicle sold
    • Listed as a fleet/lease vehicle

Millions of used vehicles are bought and sold at auction every year.

09/12/202358,540 mi58,540 mi

Auto Lube & Repair LLC

Mooresville, North Carolina

Mooresville, North Carolina

Rating 4.5 / 5.0
Customer Favorites
  • Vehicle serviced
    • Tire(s) balanced
    • Tire(s) mounted
    • Tire(s) replaced
    • Emissions inspection performed
    • Emissions or safety inspection performed
10/01/2023not reportednot reported

Carolina Family Motors

Mooresville, North Carolina

Mooresville, North Carolina

Rating 4.5 / 5.0
  • Vehicle offered for sale

Owner 4

Purchased: 2023
Personal Vehicle
12/16/202358,568 mi58,568 mi

Wilkesboro, North Carolina

Wilkesboro, North Carolina

Wilkesboro, North Carolina

  • Odometer reading reported
12/19/2023not reportednot reported

United Federal Credit Union

Saint Joseph, Michigan

Saint Joseph, Michigan


  • Loan or lien reported
12/22/2023not reportednot reported

Wilkesboro, North Carolina

Wilkesboro, North Carolina

Wilkesboro, North Carolina

Title Number 770793233560077Wilkesboro, North Carolina

  • Registration issued or renewed
    • Title or registration issued
    • New owner reported
    • Loan or lien reported
02/29/2024not reportednot reported

Wilkesboro, North Carolina

Wilkesboro, North Carolina

Wilkesboro, North Carolina

Title Number 770793233560077Wilkesboro, North Carolina

  • Registration issued or renewed
    • Loan or lien reported

Avoid financial headaches. Make sure the loan has been paid off if you're buying from a private seller. Learn More

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Failed Emissions Inspection
The emissions check performed during a vehicle inspection indicated the vehicle was emitting more than allowable emissions standards and/or had missing or modified parts. Repeated failed emissions records can indicate engine problems and CARFAX recommends you have the vehicle inspected.
First Owner
When the first owner(s) obtains a title from a Department of Motor Vehicles as proof of ownership.
When someone leases a car from a dealer, the dealer actually sells the vehicle to a leasing company. The leasing company then collects payments for the vehicle from the new owner for 24, 36, 48 or more months. A leasing company can be an independent car dealer or a car manufacturer.
New Owner Reported
When a vehicle is sold to a new owner, the Title must be transferred to the new owner(s) at a Department of Motor Vehicles.
Ownership History
CARFAX defines an owner as an individual or business that possesses and uses a vehicle. Not all title transactions represent changes in ownership. To provide estimated number of owners, CARFAX proprietary technology analyzes all the events in a vehicle history. Estimated ownership is available for vehicles manufactured after 1991 and titled solely in the US including Puerto Rico. Dealers sometimes opt to take ownership of a vehicle and are required to in the following states: Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and South Dakota. Please consider this as you review a vehicle's estimated ownership history.
Title Issued
A state issues a title to provide a vehicle owner with proof of ownership. Each title has a unique number. Each title or registration record on a CARFAX report does not necessarily indicate a change in ownership. In Canada, a registration and bill of sale are used as proof of ownership.
Full Glossary